Concept designs for Saddleworth garden design project.

Published by David Keegan 4 years ago

This garden, or should I say oversized driveway presented both a real challenge and a real opportunity. Foremost on my mind was the potential environmental l impact, not to mention the monetary impact, of ripping out the entire tarmac driveway to the rear of the property in order to form a new garden space. My design led solution to this is to build the garden on top of the driveway by means of a series of slightly raised interconnecting platforms. Planting beds will be formed in much the same fashion that you might make a large free standing planter with the added advantage that each bed can have a predetermined soil mix to suit the plant groups for each location. In effect, I can have an ericaceous bed adjacent to a ph. neutral bed, or an alkaline mix, allowing a mix of plants that one might not otherwise expect in the same vicinity. Watch this space for more updates on progress as designs are finalised and the gardens installed over the coming months. 

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