"Please Be Seated" David Takes A Light Hearted Look At Seating In The Garden

Published by David Keegan 1 year ago

Hey there, fellow garden enthusiasts! Let's take a moment to talk about something often overlooked but oh-so-important in garden design: seating! Yup, those cozy spots where you can plop down, relax, and soak up the beauty of nature. Trust me, when it comes to designing gardens, seating can make all the difference.


Now, here's the thing: I've noticed that most tend to plonk their seating areas right next to the house. Don't get me wrong, that's fine and dandy, but why confine yourself to just one spot? When I design gardens, I like to mix things up a bit and scatter seating in various areas throughout the entire space. Have a look at this sunken garden in a recently designed garden in Eccles in North West UK  


Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you! By incorporating seating in different nooks and crannies of the garden, you're not only making the most of the breathtaking views but also immersing yourself in a sensory wonderland. Picture this: you're nestled amidst a riot of scents, colours, and textures of the surrounding plants. It's like being enveloped in a symphony of nature.


Take a gander at this picture I'm talking about. In this garden, I decided to spice things up by placing the seating at the midway point of a formal lawned area. It's all about balance, my friends! I mirrored the seating on both sides of the garden to create a sense of harmony and symmetry. And let me tell you, it looks fabulous!


But wait, there's more! To add an extra touch of magic, I introduced some flowering Luzula nivea to the scene. These beauties not only complement the seating but also make you feel like you're being cradled by nature itself. Trust me, it's an experience you won't want to miss.


Oh, and here's some exciting news! Keep your eyes peeled for the upcoming August issue of Pro Landscaper magazine. This garden I'm blabbering about will be featured in their Port Folio section. Can you believe it? The world will get to see my creation and gather inspiration from it. How awesome is that?

So, my fellow garden lovers, remember this: seating is not just an afterthought. It's a crucial element in garden design that can elevate the entire experience. Go ahead and experiment with different seating areas, from the traditional spots near the house to unexpected corners that unveil hidden treasures. Let yourself get lost in the scents, colours, and textures of the plants. Trust me, your garden will thank you for it.

 Of course should you need help with designing that garden to begin with why not use this link to head over to my contact page and drop me a line of enquiry and I promise a reply in a jiffy. Until next time, happy gardening and may your seating always be cosy and inviting!

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